Monday, July 5, 2010

15 Days....

Here we are in the homestretch...late in the fourth the bottom of the ninth...okay, enough with the sports analogies. We're close to adding one more to our clan. More specifically, tomorrow we'll be just 15 days away from that due date. In honor of the final 15 days, I'd like to present the top 15 things I'm looking forward to most about being a dad.

15. Watching cartoons again

14. Spending Christmas Day putting together toys while he/she plays with the box

13. Seeing all his/her "firsts". First crawl, first words, first steps, first time he/she beats Dad at golf

12. Long walks with the stroller and watching him/her take in all his/her surroundings

11. Putting him/her on my shoulders the first time I bring them to Memorial Stadium for a Husker game

10. Family vacations to Fairmont, Lucan and all over the world

9. 3am feedings (that's right, I'm can't wait)

8. Ganging up and playing jokes on Mom

7. Watching him/her play with all his/her cousins and friends

6. Each morning, getting to make him/her the most stylish kid at daycare with his/her massive wardrobe

5. Getting to answer the 1000s of questions he/she has for us. The tough one's and the easy one's too

4. Playing catch in the back yard

3. Teaching him/her the difference between right and wrong and how to be respectful of others

2. Getting to know our child's personality no matter how happy, sad, angry or cranky he/she might be

1. The first time I get to hold him/her and every other minute I get to spend raising our special gift and watching him/her grow

As for us, we're not letting 8 1/2 months pregnant slow us down too much. Last weekend, we even made a day trip down to Kansas City to watch the Cardinals and Royals. This weekend, we were able to have a very relaxing time celebrating the Fourth of July with steaks on the grill and watching fireworks in the neighborhood. It was actually quite a good show.

We are both feeling such excitement for this baby to arrive that it pretty much consumes our free time. The hard work getting ready for a baby seems to be paying off. Just recently, we both looked at each other and said, "we're ready". As a matter of fact, both our bags are packed and we've got the video camera, camera and laptop by the door and ready to head to BryanLGH East at the drop of a hat.

If this is the last post before the baby, we'll be posting pictures after he/she arrives. Wish us luck!!!!


Jenni said...

GOOD LUCK!!!! Can't wait to hear the news!

Gina happy mom of 4 said...

Almost there! Congrats! Can't wait to hear your news! The 3 am feedings....sweet at first! Ha. The rest, all worth every second of it. Enjoy.